HARESSSO is a non-profit foundation established by concerned individuals and professionals with deep experience to enhance migration and humanitarian services in Canada.
“Stand the vulnerable individual with care, respect and dignity”
HARESSO strives to ultimately see prosperous, stable and economically productive immigrant society through quality social services including education, health and livelihood interventions.
Welcoming and sustaining livelihood of vulnerable immigrant communities in Canada through environmentally sound interventions while focusing on equity, justice, democracy and human rights.
Ethical and integrity.
Inclusion – of the people we work to help
Healthy Ideas and Innovative
Equity for all vulnerable
Honesty, transparency and accountability to stakeholders
Contextually alert
Community managed sustainable and impact-oriented development
Solidarity with the poor
1. Welcoming the new comers and refugees to Canada and helping them to integrate with the community and get a place to settle in their first year.
2. Reduce malnutrition and food insecurity that cause irreparable damage to livelihoods, thereby reducing self-sufficiency through introducing sustainable food security and livelihoods improvement initiatives.
3. Increase access to education for children from poor and vulnerable groups while strengthening the quality and capacity of teachers, teaching/learning environment and institutional structures.
4. Increased sustainable access to safe water and sanitation services for men, women and children in rural and peri-urban.
5. Increase access to primary health care services to vulnerable groups and locations.
6. Increase public environmental awareness and advocacy through trainings, meetings, media etc.
7. Build the capacity of local communities, women groups, youth groups in better management practices, service delivery etc.
8. To enhance education and skills training access to youth and adults to promote employment opportunities.
9. Enhance peace building, human rights and democracy promotion.
10. Promote and advocate for gender sensitive approaches to enhance women’s rights and girl-child education and strengthen the participation and involvement of women and vulnerable groups in programs and organization.
11. Strengthen community capacity to cope with future shocks in disaster preparedness and management.
12. Improve the protection of and respect for the human rights and dignity of vulnerable populations – with a special focus on IDPs, women, children and marginalized groups – through effective advocacy and the application of a rights-based approach across all sectors.
13. Work with local communities and encourage management practices that conserve local natural resources.
What We Do?
HERESSO welcomes refugees and helps find a place to settle during their first year in Canada, we also provide assistance about the suitable way to obtain a job opportunity to support themselves.
HARESSO provides humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in Canada and the Horn of Africa, particularly those who live-in remote areas. We respond to natural catastrophes, floods, and droughts as well as provide opportunities for the communities to prepare for those unforeseen crisis.
Helps refugees and their children obtain information about basic education, by providing suggestions and training courses to understand the Canadian educational system to go forward and help themselves grow and develop.