Your Gateway to a New Beginning in Canada! We are dedicated to welcoming Refugees

Welcome to Haresso




We are committed to help Newcomers and their children access basic education and Upgrading programs





HERESSO stands by your side as you navigate life in Canada. Whether it's finding a residence or navigating job Opportunities

Settlement Support




Empowering Black Communities, Transforming Lives, and Creating a positive impact that resonates far beyond individual lives





About Us

HARESSSO is a non-profit foundation established by concerned individuals and professionals with deep experience to enhance migration and humanitarian services in Canada.

We aim to help newcomers settle and educate them so that they can quickly adjust to the new life.

Our Mission

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What We Do?


HERESSO welcomes refugees and helps find a place to settle during their first year in Canada, we also provide assistance about the suitable way to obtain a job opportunity to support themselves.


HARESSO provides humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in Canada and the Horn of Africa, particularly those who live in remote areas. We respond to natural catastrophes, floods, and droughts as well as provide opportunities for the communities to prepare for those unforeseen crises.


Helps refugees and their children obtain information about basic education, by providing suggestions and training courses to understand the Canadian educational system to go forward and help themselves grow and develop.

Show your support by helping today!